Supported browsers

For audio and video communications, Apizee solutions are based on the WebRTC standard. The compatibility of Internet browsers with this technology is growing rapidly and this choice now allows the availability of our audio and video streaming solutions in most PC, tablet and smartphone environments. For most browsers, the compatibility is "native". In other cases, adding a "plug-in" to the browser or using a dedicated application is necessary.

The Chat feature being independent of WebRTC standard, it is available in all possible environment

  • 🟢 : feature compatible

  • 🟠: testings are still ongoing but it is likely supported

  • - : not supported



Audio/video Whiteboard Screensharing Conversation File transfer

v108+ 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢

v102+ 🟢 V52+ 🟢 🟢

v121+ 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢

- - - - -


Audio/video Whiteboard Screensharing Conversation File transfer

v108+ 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢

v102+ 🟢 V102+ 🟢 🟢

v121+ 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢

v15+ 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢


Audio/video Whiteboard Screensharing Conversation File transfer

v109+ 🟢 View-only* 🟢 🟢

v102+ 🟢 View-only* 🟢 🟢

- - - - -

iOS15+ 🟢 View-only* 🟢 🟢


Audio/video Whiteboard Screensharing Conversation File transfer

v109+ 🟢 View-only* 🟢 🟢

v102+ 🟢 View-only* 🟢 🟢

v121+ 🟢 View-only* 🟢 🟢

- - - - -


Audio/video Whiteboard Screensharing Conversation File transfer

v108+ 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢

v102+ 🟢 🟢 🟢 🟢

- - - - -

- - - - -

Chromium-based browsers have the same support as Chrome (Brave, Epic browser ...).

Minimal supported version of Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) is 102.

Minimum recommended OS versions: Windows 10+, macOS 12, Android 8, iOS 15.

See Vintage Browsers Compatibility page for oldies and exotic browsers.

  • * View-mode only. The user can see the screen shared by the other participant(s) but cannot share his own mobile device screen. In-mobile-app ApiRTC integration is required for mobile screensharing.

  • ** Requires the installation of a software extension to the browser

OS Compatibility


  • Mac with SafariTM, Chrome or Firefox® and OSX 11 or later

  • Mac with SafariTM, Chrome or Firefox® and OSX 10.5.7 or later

  • iPad® or iPhone® 5/6 with Mobile Safari and iOS 11.2 or later

  • iPad® or iPhone® 5/6 with Cordova Application and iOS 6.1 or later

  • iPad® or iPhone® 5/6 with React Native Application and iOS 6.1 or later


  • Edge and Windows 10 or later

  • IE 11 and Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or Windows Server 2012 or later with plugin

  • IE 9, IE 10 and Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows Server 2008 or later with plugin

  • Chrome or Firefox and Windows Vista or later or Windows Server 2008 or later


  • Chrome

  • Firefox

  • Opera


  • Chrome

  • Firefox

  • Opera

  • Android 4+ with Cordova Application

  • Android 5+ with React Native Application

Last updated