Where to find ApiRTC library?
Last updated
Last updated
If you develop in the NodeJS ecosystem, you can use the NPM packet manager.
Open a terminal or command line interface
Go to your project folder cd my_project_folder
Install the latest ApiRTC library in your node_module folder:
To install a specific version of ApiRTC, add the version tag at the end.
For example, using the version 4.6.1 would be:
Latest and adviced ApiRTC version is available at https://cdn.apirtc.com/apiRTC/apiRTC-latest.min.js
Choose the latest ApiRTC version based on a minor release, for example the latest patched 4.6 would live at https://cdn.apirtc.com/apiRTC/v4.6/apiRTC-latest.min.js.
Choose a precise version by providing the full version code. For example the v5.0.13 would live at https://cdn.apirtc.com/apiRTC/v5.0/apiRTC-5.0.13.min.js.
Get details about the previous releases in the changelog file
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